Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Identity Crisis

I like being anonymous. That's just who I am. But a fellow blogger suggested that I should have a description about myself and what this blog is all about so the reader can relate to me and have a sense of Outside The Box. Okay, that makes sense. "And remember to keep it short," my friend added. So here it goes in less than 100 characters:

I'm a 40 something sleep-deprived workaholic single parent who procrastinates & day dreams full time. I reside in Jakarta, the capital city of traffic jam & pollution. Unless under the influence of a blogger's block I mostly blog about 4D, not the kind one experiences in a theme-park theater, but these kinds: Dena (my only child), Drawing, Design and Devotion. Not necessarily in that order.

Self Portrait by Outodbox

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