Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Little Preman

One warm afternoon at a traffic light in a street somewhere in Jakarta Selatan. A boy in a passenger side of a car with a window completely rolled down. I think he was on his knee because both his hands were on the window. A black t-shirt with some five stars and some kind of a badge. A huge ring with some green stone on his left index finger. A look on his face that read Don't mess with me! No wonder he was allowed to ride in a car like that. 


amartaplants home decor and plant nursery said...

mbak tina... do you still remember me..
found this blog from vegi's FB.

saya cucunya oma Ana Tahir, yang dulu di malang, tapi sekarang tinggal di bekasi ..

interesting blog.. semoga mbak tina keluarga dalam keadaan sehat semua ya..

outodbox said...

Halooo Anggun, senang bisa ketemu disini. Waktu tante Ana ke rumah beberapa tahun yang lalu inget pernah bilang nginep di Bekasi. Salam hormat buat mama papa ya. Mudah2an semua sehat.

amartaplants home decor and plant nursery said...

mbak Tina, gambar nya bagus2.. pake aplikasi apa? atau gambar sendiri yah freehand?

outodbox said...

Mariska, gambarnya pake bamboo tablet, ada stylusnya jadi kesan hand drawn nya ada. kompatibel dengan Photoshop.