Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hold Your Horses!

According to Chinese horoscope as a person who was born in the year of horse, I'm a type of person who is sociable & loves being in a crowd (so not true), extrovert (doubt it), loud (seriously?!), adventurous (kind of), impatient (so true), hardheaded (why is this a negative trait?), love the outdoors (very true), cunning (really?). I don't believe there are thousands or even million people who were born in the years of horse who have the same characters like described above. I think every individual is unique just like there is no finger print alike. In my opinion a person's traits are determined by two things. DNA to a small extent and life experience to a great extent. I may be born in the year of horse and has some of the characters imprinted on me for life but it's possible that over the years I evolve to the year of rabbit, or dragon, or dog, or all of the years combined. Change is good. Change is mandatory to grow your soul. 

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