Monday, September 7, 2015

Manly Love

One lovely Saturday evening in an empty Trans Jakarta. The busway attendant was a man, early thirty-ish. In my experience most busway attendants would go about his or her business quietly, some even unwillingly. I mean it's totally understandable, going over and over the same route for hours could take a toll on you. Mentally and physically. But not this guy. He greeted incoming passengers, politely asked them to watch for their steps, even offered to hold hand to some. He said goodbyes to outgoing passengers. Smiled and wished them a great evening. He didn't care that most of the passengers didn't even say anything or look him in the eyes. To top it off he sang out a cheery tunes between bus stops. A gentle reminder of 1 Corinthians 16:14 Let all that you do be done with love.

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