Thursday, February 5, 2015

Days Are Numbered

I was just stepped in an elevator of an apartment when a little girl greeted me, "I'm Michelle. What's your name?" What a confident little girl! Her dad smiled, his face beaming with pride. "Hi Michelle. I'm Tina." Then she said, "I'm six years old. What's your number?" Her dad must have noticed I looked sheepish. He saved me, "Michelle, that's a very personal thing to ask. But you can tell her how old I am." She squealed with delight, "You are EIGHT!" So I said, "In that case I'm ten!"


Anonymous said...

It always give me a warm feeling every time I read your posting Ibu

outodbox said...

Thank you Vivi. Your comment also gave me a warm feeling ;-)

Unknown said...

oh how i love innocent questions lol