Thursday, February 28, 2013
What A Difference!
Lunch time. A five year old girl, a guest at KDM birthday, spoon fed by her mom while she was busy playing. She occasionally bossed her mom around to give her drink and demanded this and that. When lunch was over her mom packed things up for her. A five year old boy, lives in KDM, no parents, sat quietly in front of me and ate his meal. He asked me nicely to watch his plate while he went to get a drink. When he finished he put his plate and spoon back and threw his plastic cup in a recycle bin. I couldn't help but wonder which child is more fortunate.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Found an oil painting of Dena that I did years back. Completely forgot about this. My first try with oil painting. It wasn't a good experience at all. It took me forever to finish it. Oil painting & I are not in speaking term since then. I really lack the patience. I love fast and furious black and white sketches with pen or pencil; the kind that can be done in fifteen minutes or less; the kind that require a spontaneous display of affection.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Time Out
Monday, February 25, 2013
It's Delightful
I made these blank sketchbook with kids in mind. What a nice surprise to learn that some adults were also excited about them! I guess no matter how old you are there is always
a kid at heart hiding somewhere within you, waiting for the right moment to come out. When was the last time you let your inner child free?
a kid at heart hiding somewhere within you, waiting for the right moment to come out. When was the last time you let your inner child free?
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Shades Of Blue
Back from floating in a blissful world. Heard nothing but my own heartbeat and my bubbles. Kissed by the sunlight and the moonbeam. Hugged by warm breeze, dancing clouds, endless sky, laughter and double rainbow. Still swaying.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
No Pain No Gain
Pain is a funny thing. The more I fight it the bigger it gets. The more I question it the louder it gets. The more I got irritated by it the more painful it gets. 5.58am. Sudden change of heart. Running. Pain in my left rear end. Ache in my heart. Tears. But guess what happen when I embrace pain and acknowledge hurt. Eventually it will go away. Hello pain, so this is how much hurt you can cause. Thank you for making me feel so alive. You can stay for awhile but not too long. Life is waiting for me. Keep running. I'm good.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Small eatery with mesmerizing Indonesian old songs. Three friends. Catching up on life. Updating relationships. Blogger's block. Texting. Smiling apparently. Oblivious to the conversation around the table. Dog happy. Was it that obvious? Friends drooling over a good looking stranger. Keeping social media posted. Extremely nice owner. Giggling. Bottomless cold ice tea. An unexpected smile from the stranger. LOL. Bubbly. Baby happy friends. An unexpected turn out of an event. Undo. Oh well. Thank God It's Friends.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
I Heart Frankie
A 176 pages magazine full of delightful things that make my right brain gives a sigh of bliss "Hmmm....." Once I'm done reading my magazine I usually cut up its pages and recycle them for my handmade journal. This one is a keeper. Or not...
Monday, February 4, 2013
Book #2: Chinese Zodiac
It's already February and I'm suppose to move on to the next bookbinding method in Making Handmade Book but I'm still loving the Sidebound binding. My sister & I were cleaning up my Dad's room when I found these beautiful ornaments that represent the year of a Chinese zodiac. I wonder why did the Chinese pick these particular animals of all the animals in the world? Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. Which one are you?
Saturday, February 2, 2013
I was uploading pictures from KDM swimming outing to my Facebook album when I noticed there were a lot of children posing with a peace sign. No matter where or what they were doing when someone took a picture most of them made the peace sign. For someone like me who probably take peace for granted for all my life my first reaction was a little bit annoyed. What's up with the peace sign? Next time I take their pictures I'll ask them to make a new sign or pose a different way. But wait a second! Maybe for someone who has been through a lot and often can't afford peace posing a peace sign is meant to be a statement, a wish, a prayer, a reminder for others to share a little of peace of mind with them. So go ahead my little brothers & sisters. Make a peace sign. I hear you!
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