My little niece is a chatterbox. The only time she doesn't talk is when she sleeps. Then she starts moving around. While she sleeps. Tossing and turning. Turning and tossing. Feet up. Feet down. Feet crossed. Hands over here. Hands over there. Feet on pillow. Sideways. Right side up. Upside down. Head under pillow. Feet on pillow. Every sleeping position under the sun. All night long. I have a hangover from her sleepover.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
Piece Of Cake!
If you despise baking as much as I do try this recipe. It's easy peasy lemon squeazy. It's a snap. It's a breeze. It's easy as abc. It's not rocket science. It's as easy as pie. It's as easy as falling off a log. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. It's a walk in the park. It's a cinch. It's easy like Sunday morning. Get the picture? Best three ingredients recipe ever.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Burung-burung Manyar
"Maka, jika kita pernah mengalami kegagalan, semogalah mahluk-mahluk burung mungil yang bernama Ploceus manyar yang sekarang, sayang, namun juga untung bagi pak tani, sudah semakin hilang dari persada bumi Nusantara kita, semogalah burung-burung nakal, namun pewarta hikmah yang indah itu, memberi kekuatan jiwa. Sebab memanglah kita dapat sedih dan marah membongkar segala yang kita anggap gagal, namun semogalah kita memiliki keberanian juga untuk memulai lagi penuh harapan." Y.B. Mangunwijaya
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Picture Perfect
Usually when Dena, my daughter who is 8289 miles away, texts me to send her monthly allowance before the end of a month I would give her a long reply about her financial well being. On and on and on I will continue texting her rows of an unsolicited financial advice. This time she didn't use any words at all. She made me laugh and forgot to give my usual long speech. Darn! She knows me too well. I sent the money the next day. A picture is definitely worth than a thousand words.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Look Up
One cloudy Friday afternoon. A small noodle house in Mayestik. Picked a table next to a lady who was busy texting. Placed my order and waited. To kill time I started doing exactly what the lady right next to me was doing. Ten minutes later food came. The same time I stopped texting to eat the lady stood up to pay her bill. For the first time we looked at each other. My cousin Renny! LOL. I think I need a less smartphone with zero apps and games, a social media diet and a new pair of glasses.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
One Tough Cookie
I took my mom to a hospital for an MRI test. For 20 minutes she had to endure being strapped in a tiny compartment and exposed to extremely deafening sound. I was a nervous wreck. My hands were cold, my neck was really tense and I could hear my heart beat. In contrast my mom was calm and collected. The first thing she asked me when she got out of it was "How did I do?" For a brief moment I forgot that she is 77 years old, had 2 coronary stents, and paralyzed neck down on her left side due to a stroke a couple years back. "You did excellent, Mom."
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
"Argh, I wish I didn't have to run today!" my mind silently grumbled this morning. Then mid afternoon I fell down and hurt my right toe badly. I wasn't like in a hurry or anything. I was just walking from point a to point b and somehow managed to get my right toe tangled at the foot of my bed. A swollen and bruised toe and a running break. Be careful with what you wish for. The universe is listening 24/7. Tomorrow I'm going to wake up and wish I could finish a sub 3 hour marathon ;-)
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Birds flying high. Sun in the sky. Breeze driftin' on by. Fish in the sea. River running free. Blossom on a tree. Dragonfly out in the sun. Butterflies all havin' fun. Sleep in peace when day is done. Stars when you shine. Scent of the pine. You know how I feel. It's a new dawn. It's a new day. It's a new life. And this old world is a new world. Oh freedom is mine. And I'm feelin' good.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Nightmare Run
A half marathon that starts at 11pm in Ancol. My mind was giddy for a first nite running experience. My body couldn't handle it. They had a huge fight along the 21K course. "We wanted to #@$# SLEEP!" my body screamed. My mind almost caved in to my body's tantrum. For the first time I felt blah when I crossed the finish line. I felt like my head was going to explode and I felt like to throw up. Cool! I had a running hangover! :-) This nite run thing is definitely going to my don't-ever-do-this-again list.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
First Grade Inference
Question Maureen, my little niece, asked when she saw this framed caricature, "Tante Tina, did you draw this picture so you can remember him when he dies?" Of course dear.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Runner's Strike
I failed my running goal on election day. No lame excuses. No pointing fingers at other things or people. I have no idea where I lost my motivation that day. Somewhere between quick count controversy and rendezvous with old friends. I just didn't have the drive to run. But I did run for 21 days in a row. Does that even count for something?

Thursday, July 3, 2014
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
One rainy Wednesday afternoon. Browsing in a bookstore. Feeling rather annoyed I was unable to browse pages of books because all books and magazines are covered in plastic. Seperti membeli kucing dalam karung. Decided to get two books based on its covers and brief description on its back. Hope curiosity doesn't kill the cat.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
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