I can't believe it's the last day of the year! I woke up feeling restless, like life has just passed me by and I didn't even notice. Then I got really anxious because I felt like I have wasted so much time this year. Especially when lately I didn't feel like writing any new post for my blog. Not because I have blogger's block. I have tons of drafts but I just couldn't seem to bring myself to upload them. Perhaps I'm burned out with stuff. Perhaps I got the holiday blues. Perhaps I need to take a break. Perhaps....then I remembered that last year on the last day I wrote my future dreams on My Future Listography, a birthday present from Dena. I nervously looked for the book and checked. Eight things happened this year. Thank you 2013, you've been kind and awesome to me.
"Don't play with your food!" that's what I always told Dena. I thought it was a pretty decent rule until I stumble upon Eatzybitzy, Samantha Lee's blog. I bet this awesome mom always encourage her kids to play with their food. The thing moms do for their kids is unbelievable! Dena, forget my stupid rule, wanna play with food? :-)
One fine morning in GBK. One guy. Two little girls. Two bikes. The bigger girl went on to ride her bike and said "One more round!" The smaller girl got off her bike and leaned her bike on a car. "Don't lean your bike on our car!" the guy yelled. "Why?" asked the girl casually. "You might scratch it!" he continued speaking in a harsh tone. The little girl look straight at the guy and said "You mean to tell me that you care more about the car than you care about your own tired daughter?" She gave him the sweetest puppy dogs eye look. He was totally lost for words.
I have my own set of standard of values & belief. The problem is most of the time I think that my standard is the right way. Does it give me the right to judge other people that does not fit my standard? The only standard I should impose on other people is: Put my self in other people's shoes and walk a mile or two in them. Perhaps then I'm lucky enough to meet empathy, compassion, tolerance & kindness somewhere along the path I walk on in someone's shoes. May I borrow your shoes?
Christmas feels like finding Waldo. Can you find baby Jesus in a midst of trees, stars, candles, stars, snowflakes, blinding lights, angels, candles, candies, chocolates, santa, reindeer, snowman, bears (?), cakes, penguins (?), gifts, gifts and gifts? Feeling a bit overwhelmed with the bling bling of Christmas things.
One hot Saturday. A bride and a groom in a white sporty cabriolet car. The groom was driving and the bride was sitting comfortably with her arm on the door. Both were smiling and glowing in midst of heat and weekend traffic on Bideford Road. No entourage. Just the two of them and some tiny bouquets on the car. So simple and uncomplicated.
Most commuters were transported into a solitary digital world through their mobile gadgets. In the old days they would probably make eye contact, smile or nod, maybe say greeting to one another, and strike up a conversation. Time would fly really quickly because one find out that the person next to him or her is a firefighter who just saved a kitty cat from a tall tree just two days ago. But then again I wouldn't be able to take this picture and tell a story in my blog in an analog world.