Thursday, November 24, 2011

While I was...

I used to think that life is like a roller coaster, one minute I'm up, next minute I'm down or upside down. It's either good or bad circumstances. I would get stressed out and agitated when I'm down and would be so anxious to go back up again. Then I came across this beautiful quote by Rick Warren;

“Life is actually more like two rails of a railroad track, with one rail representing the bad things that happen in your life, and other rail representing the good things. We always have both at the same time- never just one or the other. Life is never all good or all bad. Both come at you simultaneously. No matter how good things are, there’s always something you need to be working on, and no matter how bad things are, there is always something good you can thank God for."

While I was driving in a bumper to bumper traffic, I had a great time talking with my Mom (in person, not on mobile). While I was waiting in a doctor's office with a long queue of patients I got lost visually at what I saw right in front of me...

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