Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hair Raising

One lovely Wednesday afternoon in Metropolitan Museum of Art in Central Park, NY. Completely mesmerized by a Van Gogh self portrait. I was taking a lot of pictures of it from every possible angle with my camera when a lady museum officer dressed in deep blue uniform approached me and asked,"Excuse me, do you speak English?" I was startled. Oh #$%@ I'm in big trouble! "Of course." I said, tried my best to keep calm. Then she said,"I've been wanting to cut my hair like yours but I don't quite know how to explain it to my stylist. Do you mind if I take picture of your hair?" I laughed, totally relieved and said, "Sure. A picture worth more than a thousand words." She took out her mobile and snapped the side and the back of my head. I felt like an artwork. 

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